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21 Types of Investments to Boost Your Wealth



types of investments

There are various types of investments that boost your wealth in an obvious way. It’s better to think like an investor before going to select any one of the types. These ways of investment suggest people the excellent process of utilizing money.

A person has numerous thoughts while investing in understanding the markets, time limit, and investment reasons. These thoughts help you to facilitate you with the best and appropriate type of investment. The description of types of investment are as follows:

Cash and Commodities 

Cash and commodities are considered in the low investment category. There various forms of investments found in this type. Cash and items have low return rates. The subtypes of it are as follows:

1. Gold and Silver

Gold and silver are one of the excellent investment forms. It is not considered a great investment, but there are chances of return. Gold and silver prices vary day by day according to the action of the politician.

Meanwhile, there is a kind of fear and scarcity found among investors while investing in these commodities. The price of gold and silver changes with time. After this, gold and silver are well-known commodities for investment.

2. CDs and Bank Products

CDs and Bank products, both are the investment strategies which are being offered by a bank. CD stands for Certificate Deposit. In this form, you may purchase a CD from the bank where you agree that the bank loaned some amount of money for a specific time and interest. 

It is considered a low-risk investment. It also provides low reward on return. The bank products include a saving account, which generally returns higher interest.

3. Cryptocurrency  

Cryptocurrency is considered as the latest form of investment. It includes loose digital currencies that buy and sell on cryptocurrency websites. There are many websites, including in it which gain so much importance in regards to investment.

Still, it is considered a kind of risky investment. There so many unknown factors that make this form of investment risk. It would be quite possible that cryptocurrency websites never observe as the widespread vehicle.

Bonds and Securities 

Bonds and securities are other forms of low-risk investment way. In this way, people buy bonds from the US government, private agencies, or other companies. Securities are the form of bonds issued by the government or any other private firms. There are following subtypes in it which are as follows:

1. U.S. Savings Bonds & Corporate Bonds

Bonds are considered a form of investment. In this process, people purchase bonds from the state or other agencies for specified interest and time. It is regarded as a low-risk form of investment. It is the safe method where people get money back as US state bond back the saved bond. 

The only condition where people don’t get money back is when the fault is from the issuer side. At the same time, corporate bonds are somehow risky. There is no ownership for you in the company if you purchase a corporate bond. 

2. Mortgage-Backed Securities

Mortgage-backed securities in the form of security that you purchase. In this way, you are loaning money to the bank or any other organization of government. Meanwhile, your loan is backed by any real estate mortgages.

Many other bonds where the return would be payable in the end while mortgage-backed security pays interest to investors monthly. However, this type of investment is considered the most complex one.

Investment Funds

The collection of money gather from various investors and then invest in different forms like bonds, stocks, and many other assets forms are known as investment funds. There are some subtypes found in it, which are as follows:

1. Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is the form of investment fund controlled by a money manager where your money is being invested and, in return, getting goods. It is known as the collection of bonds and stocks. It is considered a less risky investment.

Your money is diverse among different bonds and stocks. You will only get a reward in return from this form of investment. The mutual fund is built and managed by expert managers.

2. Index Funds

An index fund is similar to a mutual fund. It also diversifies your investment among various stocks. There is a difference between mutual and index funds as an index fund is managed passively, where managers are not actively involved.

It comprised of fewer fees because of the passive involvement of the manager in it. Therefore, it has a higher return than that of the mutual fund. The return of the index fund is based on the index which your fund tracking. 

3. Exchange-Traded Funds(ETFs)

An exchange-traded fund is similar to an index fund. It roadway famous index and reflect its performance. Not like an index fund, exchange-traded funds are sold and buy on stock markets. 

It traded on the stock market, you can pay fewer, and you have complete control over what you purchase. The well or low index you invest in may lead to the reward in return. The risk is being minimum while investing in exchange-traded funds. 


The stock market is one of the good options for investment. You can invest in the stock option, and there are subtypes which are as follows:

1. Individual Stocks

Stocks are known as the shares of an individual in a specific company. The purchasing of stock from an individual company makes you a partial owner of that company. Your stock grows as the company makes money and grows well.

As soon as the company’s stock prices increase, your stock prices or profit rate also increases. On the other hand, when the stock price goes down, your stock price also goes down.

2. Stock Options

A stock option is another form of stock. The price of the stock goes up and down as per the company’s progress. It also affects your choice within that company. You can buy or sell shares in the company at a specific price if you purchase the option. However, the option is a kind of risky choice.

In high-risk investments, there would be a great chance of getting high profits in return; meanwhile, it is the opposite if it faces great loss.

Retirement Plans

Retirement plans are another form of investment. The investment defines the form of risk and reward for the retirement plan accounts. There some subforms of it, which are as follows:

1. 401ks

The retirement account which is being offered by your employer is 401ks. This account has benefits. The great advantage is your employer offer you a match, where they put the same amount of money into your account. But the investment options are limited in it. 

This would be mutual funds. The money manager control all your retirement. This would be a problem also for you as retirement is not in your control.

2. IRAs

IRAs are also retirement account. You can set up this account for yourself. IRAs is the traditional tax-deferred. IRAs also have IRAs Roth. The Roth IRAs are tax-free. The Roth IRA money taxed first, then invested.

You cannot pay tax through the income of your investment as you take it during retirement. You have great control over your money investment both in IRAs and Roth IRAs as compare to 401k.

3. Annuities

Annuities are an agreement between you (investor) and the insurance company. The investor pays a bulge amount in altercation for payment made by the insurer of the company. It’s a kind of monthly payment during retirement.

Annuities are not a risky form of investment. However, there is no chance of returning. It never ensures investment growth. It is a kind of monthly income only. 

Real Estate

Real estate has many ways in it to invest. There are some subtypes of investment in real estate, which are as follows:

1. Property

The property is comprised of many forms that can be invested further. Buildings for business work, homes, and other lands are properties but expensive form of investment. There is a number of investors in it with less capital.

However, there are some new types of real estate investment for people who want to invest in real estate with no cash. The real issue with real estate investment is the purchase of building to ensure safety.

2. Real Estate Investment Trust

A real Estate investment trust is like a mutual fund. It is the collection of investments by many investors for income-generating in real estate. It can be sold and brought into the stock market like stocks. It is an easier method.

It is a cheaper form of investment. There is no need for much money in it. There is no need to worry about properties in it. 

Futures Market

A future market is the form of a sale market where buying and selling commodities and futures contracts for deliveries at a specified date. There are some forms of future market investment, which are as follows:

1. Commodity Futures

Commodity futures are the form of agreement where one can buy or sell a specified amount of commodity at a fixed price and date. It is useful in protecting the investment of fundamental assets.

Most commodity futures may close at a fixed date.

The assets include silver, gold, natural gas, crude oil, wheat, and corn. These contracts are known by their specified expiry date, like if expiration is in august, then it is called an August future contract.

2. Index Futures

Index future is a form of future contract in which, like the trader today, buy or sell index, and then it is to establish a future date. The investment managers and investors both use index futures to border the justice position against damages.

Index futures are similar to the other futures contracts, and an investor has the power to deliver value items on a specified date mention in the index.

3. Currency Futures

The currency future, also known as foreign exchange future. It is the kind of future agreement where the currency covert into another currency in the future at a predefined date at a fixed price on the purchase date. These contracts are standardized. 

The trades in currency futures are centralized exchange and by clearinghouses and boundaries put into place. It reduces the risk rate as compare to currency forward.


There are some other ways of investment which are described below:

1. Saving for Education

It is the form of saving money for education. Mostly parents or guardians open an investment account for future educational expenses or benefits. These forms of accounts are found explicitly in educational institutes. The beneficiary attends a specific university and college.

You will get a smaller return or the same investment payment. The state government handles all these investment plans. These saving investments save the money of beneficiaries until they reach college age.

2. Insurance

Insurance is a contract policy. It is also considered an investment based contract. It is a contract in which a person receives financial safety or reimbursement against the insurance company’s damage. In this process, the insurer is officially obligated to pay.

There would starting payment, which is called a premium. According to policy language, it’s an agreement between the policyholder and an insurance company. 

3. Forex Trading

Forex trading is also called foreign exchange. Forex trading is the legal process. It is the biggest financial market in the world. It is the most important money-making options. It is an extremely risky form of investment. 

Forex trading same as another asset trading. In this process, you may buy low and sell high. It is a great facility and a great introduction to the asset market. 

Don’t Mix Investment and Consumption

Consumption comprises activities that provide helpfulness to people, while investment is the growth of capital properties and subsidizes production over the long life span. Consumption refers to the goods that consumers buy; meanwhile, investment is purchasing capital for creative determinations by companies.

Consumption is different from investment because consumption is the use of goods and services by families. However, investment is the purchase of goods for future use and creating wealth. 

Investment Tips 

You should always be aware of the return procedure while investing. Make sure not to invest only or a lot of money at one time but to be aware of the return. You should also get some money after investment. Spend your money wisely. 

Try to figure out things before investment. Please don’t spend too much money on material items that lose their value or where prices decrease commonly.  

Final Words 

Every type of investment is good in its structure, but all have some limitations too. You should be aware of every kind of investment and used the money correctly. Don’t waste your money or go for a risky type of investment. All these types of investments are best for people to choose the right path for investing money.

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Why Is a Free Share Market App the Perfect Choice for New Investors?




Share market apps now come with a feature of free account opening benefits and also offer zero brokerage charges functionality for some segments. This helps you lower your total cost of investment and you can invest more in the instruments and earn more as well.

In this article, you’ll get to know about how a share market free app is helping new investors in their journey.

Advantages of a Share Market App

The stockbroker provides you the benefit of investing in different instruments such as stocks, mutual funds, futures, options, etc. from one share market app.

That’s why all the new investors are attracted to this changing investment landscape and they are trying to catch all the possible opportunities.

Here are some of the advantages the new investors are getting from share market apps:

1. Open the Account in a Few Minutes

In this busy life, nobody has the time to visit the broker’s office and open the demat and trading account with the physical KYCs process. Now, the share market app will help you open an account in a few steps and you can complete the full process in an online way.

You can get the credentials of your account in less than 10 minutes and all these steps are completed with no charges at all.

2. New Age of Orders

You can get the features of executing different types of orders in one app such as basket orders for combined positions and trigger orders for some set price level. Other types of orders that are available for investors are bracket orders, cover orders, forever orders, limit orders, and iceberg orders.

3. Execute Options Orders

In options trading, you will get the feature of flash trade where you can pick out the contracts on the basis of the bearish or bullish market outlook. Also, you can analyze the options on the basis of the highest OI, top traded, and ATM and you can execute them instantly.

4. Stop Overtrading

As a new investor, if you forget about your trades and they are getting into losses, then you can use the Trader’s Controls feature which will help you stop that. You will also get an alert if you are doing overtrading. At the same time, you can switch on the notifications for breaking news and updates in the share market.

5. Information about Your Trades

Now, the investors want to know how each day their portfolios and all the trades have performed. The share market apps will provide a calendar view diary of your daily trades and you can see how each trade has made profits and losses in the past as well.


Free market share apps provide you the benefit of opening an account for free which is ready in a few minutes. You can execute different types of orders and options trades instantly. These apps help you avoid overtrading and you can get an analysis of your daily trades. 

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Before You Buy Bullion, Look for These Four Warning Signs in a Dealer




People dive into the world of bullion for many reasons. They may be unsatisfied with flagging stocks and bonds and want to add an element of diversity to their financial portfolios. They may want to hedge against rising inflation. Others appreciate the economic stability of precious metals but are also interested in developing an impressive collection of gold or silver coins.

No matter what’s driving their decision, those interested in buying gold, silver, or platinum need to look for a trusted source for bullion to ensure transparency, authenticity, and a fair deal. If this sounds like you, here are four things to watch for as you forge this important new relationship.

Numismatic Coins Are Great, but Are They for You?

Looking for bullion as an investment — as a way to diversify your portfolio and stay secure through market unpredictability? Then don’t get talked into purchasing collectible coins: a category that includes numismatic coins, which appeal to collectors for their rarity or irregularity, and commemorative coins, celebrating or honoring an event of cultural or national significance. Stick instead with bullion coins with a higher precious metal value than the mint or authority’s stamped nominal value.

This is not to say numismatic and commemorative coins aren’t worthwhile investments; they just might not be appropriate for your goals.

Don’t Bow from Pressure to Buy Immediately

Don’t bow to scare tactics meant to intimidate you into a rash decision with your money. Some buyers or sellers might refer to a weak dollar, the imminent collapse of banks or fiat currencies, skyrocketing inflation, or other insider information. They’ll do this to pressure you into selling or buying right now (often with a threat that you’ll miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity or something equally ridiculous). A professional bullion supplier will never do this to you.

Don’t Fall for Weirdly Low Asking Prices

Another word of warning: a trustworthy seller will also not post ridiculously low ask prices. Gold is a liquid asset since it can be easily exchanged without losing value. It’s also fungible, in that one troy ounce is worth the same as any other in the same condition and with the same purity.

Why would a seller have a blow-out sale when dealing with this kind of investment? If you see one, walk away.

Sorry — You Can’t Get Rich Quick

Gold bullion is a wise long-term investment to protect your portfolio against market volatility. When fiat currencies take a dive — and when global events become unstable through a war or a pandemic, for example — gold trucks along with a negative (or asymmetric) correlation to the general market.

And while some years over the past five decades have seen tremendous gains and losses, gold is a largely non-volatile asset with a steady upward trajectory. So don’t believe a gold bullion buyer or seller who tricks you into thinking that gold won’t behave much like it’s done for the past 40 or 50 years.

What’s your long-term goal? If you’ve got a clear vision for your financial future, and bullion is an important interlocking element of that state, then don’t take shortcuts when finding a reputable dealer. Keep your wits about you, think critically, and do your research, and you’ll find a trustworthy and transparent buyer and seller of gold and silver in your area who has your best interests at heart.

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5 Most Googled Auto Stocks in India




India’s auto sector has been booming for years, and investors are taking notice. The automotive business offers several profitable career paths, from automakers to component manufacturers.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 most googled auto stocks in India for online share trading. Let’s find out which companies made the cut and get insight into the auto sector as an investment prospect.

1. Tata Motors

Tata Motors is the biggest bus, truck, tractor, and vehicle manufacturer. Ratan Tata founded the company in 1945. The company has been in operation for approximately 75 years.

Tata Motors’ key brands include Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), Land Rover, Jaguar, Range Rover and Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Co Ltd (DCVL), and Tata Daewoo Auto Ltd.

The company manufactures not only standard automobiles but also buses and trucks, among other commercial and heavy-duty vehicles.

Their range of automobiles is tailored to suit a wide range of customers. Whether it is passenger cars, commercial vehicles, or heavy-duty vehicles, Tata Motors has something for everyone.

2. Maruti Suzuki

Maruti Suzuki dominates the Indian vehicle market with over 50% share. It’s India’s most popular automobile brand, offering models for every need and taste.Maruti Suzuki is constantly growing its manufacturing facilities and production capacity.

To address demand in Indonesia and Vietnam, the company is launching new models. Maruti Suzuki sells millions of cheap, dependable automobiles every year, making it the top choice for affordable automotive buyers. This corporation has risen dramatically in recent years and seems likely to dominate the Indian automobile sector for years to come.

  • Maruti Share Price as of April 2023: ₹8,450+
  • Market Cap: ₹2.57 trillion

3. Ashok Leyland

Ashok Leyland Ltd., situated in Chennai, India, was founded in 1948. This automotive powerhouse makes trucks, buses, and other heavy-duty vehicles. This firm has led India’s automobile sector since its founding and is recognized for its reliable goods and services.

Investors and potential purchasers search the internet for information about Ashok Leyland, one of India’s most prominent automakers. Ashok Leyland is one of the most googled auto stocks in India, with investors and potential buyers alike turning to the internet to learn more about this popular Indian automaker.

  • Share Price as of April 2023: ₹140+
  • Market Cap: ₹414.15 billion

4. Eicher Motors Ltd

Eicher Motors Ltd

Eicher Motors Limited (EML) is one of the largest car companies in India. It makes both industrial and personal service vehicles. Their portfolio consists of the Royal Enfield motorcycle and other products like passenger vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, and construction equipment.

Eicher Motors has an impressive 1Y return of 22.09%. It also has a high profitability rating of 7.5 and positive analyst recommendations. All this shows that the stock is rising in the market and may be a good choice for diversifying investors.

  • Eicher Motors Share Price as of April 2023: ₹3240+
  • Market Cap: ₹889.01 billion

5. Bajaj Auto

Bajaj Auto is India’s second-largest two-wheeler manufacturer. It was established by Jamnalal Bajaj in 1884. It became a listed company on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange in 2000.

The company makes bikes and motorcycles under the Pulsar and Discover brands, respectively. Bajaj Autohas over 80 years of automotive experience and is one of India’s most sought-after companies.

  • Bajaj Auto Share Price as of April 2023: ₹4,300+
  • Market Cap: ₹1.22 billion


The Indian automotive sector has garnered strong interest among investors, as reflected in the top 5 most Googled auto stocks in India. With the Indian economy’s projected growth, these auto stocks could potentially provide diversification options in the auto sector. Nonetheless, making informed decisions based on careful analysis of the market and individual stocks is critical for minimizing risks and maximizing returns.

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